'The pandemic has made me reconsider a career in music' - How COVID-19 has affected our music students

Artist Management Services have today published their report on how music students have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Having surveyed hundreds of students on a wide range of music-related courses, AMS have presented their findings in this detailed report, which highlights some of the key concerns. As well as the immediate disruption to learning that has similarly affected the rest of the education system, the results of the survey reveal destroyed confidence in the music industry and serious concerns about future employability. 

Artist Management Services' Communications Director, Adam Cable, spoke about the report and its findings:

"The results made for dire reading. It's clear, perhaps unsurprisingly, that the pandemic has brought about a real shift in priorities for students. There's more anxiety about career prospects and job security - we've even had conversations with students who are in the process of changing courses or giving up on music altogether. There's a chance we could be facing a crisis in talent in the coming years as a result."

The report is split into three sections, 'The Impact on Study', 'Industry Confidence' and 'Career Prospects'. Despite the bleak outlook painted in the report, there is cause for optimism in its closing comments, with an acknowledgement that the pandemic has had little to no effect on students' enjoyment of music. 

"We're excited to share this latest report," said CEO Ben Marshall. "We hope it can be the start of some important conversations amongst our colleagues. It's more important than ever that we are looking outwards rather than inwards. Businesses and individuals, with the means to do so, should be championing the cause of our young people, who have been dealt a less than favourable hand over the last twelve months. It's up to us to ensure that a cohort of talent isn't wasted because of this pandemic."

To comments or ask questions, please email comms@artistmanagementservices.co.uk

Click here to read the report



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